Och! Whit dae they want Noo? Said Boaby ripping open the Envelope. Ach Naw! I've tae go and see them ...12 o'clock the day. said Boaby. Mair Bluddy Questions aboot my Dole I suppose.
Well whit ever it is Yea better get it sorted, Cause we cannae live withoot yer Dole money. Said Ella with a worried look on her face.
Boaby grabbed his Jacket and Bunnet, And walked the quarter of a Mile down to the Local Benefits office.
At the Reception, Boaby was handed a Numbered ticket and told to take a seat in the waiting room ...Until his number was called.
I Don't think that fallin aff yer Bike ...When you were a 14 Year old Paperboy Counts as an INDUSTRIAL INJURY
Maybe so! said the Clerkess But that was THIRTY Years ago, I would huv thought yer Sprained Ankle wid be a bit better Noo.
Aye it is ...said Boaby. But it no that, yea see I lost my Confidence because oh the accident, CHRIST I huv nae been on a Bike Since.
Dae yea no think that at your age yea should be lookin fur another joab apart from a Paperboy?
RIGHT! Yer jist wastin my Time here. said the Fat woman.Lets get yea medically Examined and we'll see whit the Doctor says aboot yer capabilities Fur Workin.
AYE! And if the Doctor passes yea fit fur work, Am stopping yer Money until yea get a Joab.
10.30 the Morra Mornin at the medical Centre. She said handing Boaby a slip of Paper
A Medical? Said Ella. Christ were in the shit noo. I've telt yea fur Years that yer as fit as a fiddle ...Whit will become of us?
Ach! Cheer up Boaby, Maybe it'll so be to bad. Said Ella trying to cheer up the Wee Man.
A Glum and Worried Boaby tramped the Streets of Glasgae until he Arrived at the Medical Centre.
5th Floor Pal ... The Lifts are over there. He said handing the Letter back to Boaby.
Boaby entered the Lift ..The Door being held open for him by a Man in a smart Suit, Another man in dirty jeans stood at the back of the lift with a tired expression on his face.
Dunno! said Boaby sticking his head out of the Lift to see what floor they were on.
ARRRRGGGGGH! Screamed Boaby as the heavy metal doors squeezed the side of his head, Before opening again.
Don't know what Flair it was... said Boaby... Unable to hear properly because of the loud Ringing in his Ears.
The Lift stopped Again and when the Door opened there was a big Sign saying
Thats me thought Boaby ...Leaving the lift and joining the Line of people waiting at the Reception Desk.
When Boabys turn came his hearing was still impared, He pushed the letter through the small slot in the glass screen that ran from the desk to the Ceiling.
Boaby stood on tiptoe and pressed his ear to the Little Holes in the Glass screen. To steady himself he gripped the Counter, Not noticing that his right hand was at the open bit were the Counter flap should have been.
Just them a small office girl breezed into the Reception "Flicking" the Counter flap back down as she Passed.
This heavy block of solid wood crashed down and crushed Boaby's Right hand.
Screamed Boaby. Gripping his Injured hand and dancing about the Area in mortal Agony.
Yer alright Pal. he said and Gently taking Boaby by the Arm led him to an Orange Chair in the Waiting Room.
Boaby his eyes streaming Tears from the Agony he was in allowed himself to be led.
Jist sit there until yer shouted. said the Receptionist, Giving Boaby a gentle push Backwards.
Boaby, Still nursing his Injured hand, and unable to hear anything felt himself falling backward into the Cushion of the Orange Chair.
As Boabys arse hit the Cushion the rubber retaining straps under the Chair gave way.
Boaby's Buttocks hit the floor and his legs and arms pointed to the ceiling ...Leaving him with a badly bruised back and firmly stuck in the chair.
Two other Patients rushed up and tried to Pull Boaby out of the chair, But the Wee man was firmly stuck.
Said Bernie Butterbean ...So named because the ex- wrestler's 25 stone frame was a rounded shape enhanced by his lack of a neck and large shaven head.
Boaby flew out of the chair like a cork out of a bottle, and rolled accross the Waiting room floor, Only stopping when he cracked his head against the Coffee Vending Machine.
Butterbean picked up Boaby ....Dazed, Deaf, Nursing a crushed right hand, Bruised Buttocks and bent Double because of the Back Injury, And sat him in another Chair.
The receptionist realising that Boaby couldn't hear properly, Moved around and slapped Boaby on the back of the head with his clipboard
ARRRRRGGGHHHH ...Screamed Boaby as the Doctor closed his hand around Boaby's injured fingers.
JEEZ OH! Said the Doctor as Boaby crumpled into a heap on the floor.
Mmm! Said the Doctor, Checking Boabys Ears, The're badly inflamed, I'll give you some cream for them.
Jist fine Babe! The Doctor says I'm unfit fur work, Look he even gave me a letter.
I've jist been at the Social and Guess whit? We'll get even more money now, Apparently I'm gettin disability Money as well.